Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Team246 as a volunteer platform

Our 'AH HA' moment came during one of our meetings. We were all confused, frustrated and losing our cool: How were we going to move forward as a team when we were all involved in different things?

Rather than focus on our differences, we decided that we needed to focus on what we had in common: volunteering, social consciousness, youth development and a burning desire to make Barbados a better place. This was our true purpose and it was then that we decided that Team246 would focus on leadership and youth development through volunteering. 

We aim to become the premier volunteer platform for youth in Barbados; a reliable source of information on volunteer opportunities and networks which are available to people in the island. We will promote a culture of social responsibility amongst our youth, by advocating for more people to get involved in their local communities. We hope to change the attitudes towards volunteering, by promoting it as an opportunity to network, strengthen community ties, to add value to a CV and to gain personal fulfillment.

We’re a diverse group of young Barbadians who are committed to making a difference. We are students, entrepreneurs, idea engineers, environmentalists, scholars, bloggers, designers, artists, ambassadors, athletes, humanitarians, movers, shapers and young island shakers. We, as individuals have displayed leadership, a concern about global issues, the ability to generate and articulate impactful ideas, teamwork and evidenced commitment to volunteering and other extracurricular activities.

We hope to help shape Barbados’ future by raising awareness on different issues close to our hearts; environmental sustainability, opportunities for the youth and health care in particular.Though we are all involved in diverse causes and projects, we are bound together by one single goal: to raise awareness of the value of an individual’s time to create a positive social impact and as a result, change the behaviour of Barbadian youth.

In order to change behaviour though, we must first change attitudes and that in itself is a major challenge.

Stay tuned to find out more about how our story unfolds!

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