Monday 25 March 2013

Social Media Launch - BOOM BANG!

Team246, officially launches online today! WOOOHOOOOOOO!

After 3 months of blood, sweat, tears, lots of coffee, meetings, squabbles, laughter & hard work, we're officially letting the world know what we're about!

Team246 is about leadership and youth development through volunteering. We aim to become the premier volunteer platform for youth in Barbados; a reliable source of information on volunteer opportunities and networks which are available to people in the island. We also wish to promote a culture of social responsibility amongst our youth, by advocating for more people to get involved in their local communities. We hope to help shape Barbados’ future by raising awareness on different issues close to our hearts; environmental sustainability, opportunities for the youth and healthcare in particular.

So bloggy friends, please have a look & support us via our FacebookTwitter & Instagram profiles and stay tuned for our upcoming Team profiles, video & blurbs, outlining who we are in a little more detail so that you can really see what we're about!

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