Monday, 25 March 2013

Social Media Launch - BOOM BANG!

Team246, officially launches online today! WOOOHOOOOOOO!

After 3 months of blood, sweat, tears, lots of coffee, meetings, squabbles, laughter & hard work, we're officially letting the world know what we're about!

Team246 is about leadership and youth development through volunteering. We aim to become the premier volunteer platform for youth in Barbados; a reliable source of information on volunteer opportunities and networks which are available to people in the island. We also wish to promote a culture of social responsibility amongst our youth, by advocating for more people to get involved in their local communities. We hope to help shape Barbados’ future by raising awareness on different issues close to our hearts; environmental sustainability, opportunities for the youth and healthcare in particular.

So bloggy friends, please have a look & support us via our FacebookTwitter & Instagram profiles and stay tuned for our upcoming Team profiles, video & blurbs, outlining who we are in a little more detail so that you can really see what we're about!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Earth Hour

Earth Hour 2013 is quickly approaching: this Saturday 23rd March 8:30-9:30pm; mark your calendars!

Earth Hour 101

Earth Hour is the single, largest, symbolic mass participation event in the world. Born out of a hope that  people could be mobilized to take action on climate change, Earth Hour now inspires a global community of millions of people in over 7,000 cities and towns across 152 countries and territories to switch lights off for an hour as a show of concern for the environment.

What are we doing in Barbados?

Here are some ideas for Earth Hour activities:

  • Have a candle-lit organic dinner
  • Invite friends around for a pub quiz and board games by candlelight
  • Take a wildlife walk or go star-gazing
  • Go for a nighttime city walk or bike ride
  •  Try candle-lit yoga or exercise
  • Have an unplugged jam session at home or at the beach around a bonfire
  •  Read a bed time story
  •  Spend quality time with your special someone or with the special environment 

The countdown is on: only 3 more days! Play your part and turn off the lights!

This year, much of the Caribbean including Barbados is coming on board. Earth Hour Barbados was created by some of our very own team 246ers and hopes to use this hour to spread awareness on the environment. 

What can you do this year and in the future?
We urge you all to not only turn off your lights during this time but to also try and turn off the tv, cell phone, ipad and other electronic devices. We would love to take part in the I will if you will challenge and would suggest that people try to turn off their lights during a period when they usually have them on for an hour every month, instead of once a year to further conserve electricity and protect our precious resources.  

To find out more information: check out the EarthHourBarbados on Facebook or follow them (@EarthHourBim) or us (@Team_246) on Twitter. 

Be a part of the movement and join fellow Bajans who are getting together to help the world unite to protect the planet.

Friday, 8 March 2013

International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day today and everyday to all of those amazing women out there. 

Thought Catalog shared this great article on what it means to be a woman:

'Being a woman is a recognition of some of the weaknesses that you may be ascribed from birth and the uphill battle you might face in a less than perfect world. But it’s also recognizing the strengths that come with womanhood – the strength of your heart, your mind, and your body, which differ from woman to woman, which differ culturally. Being a woman means being strong, because you’ll find that your womanhood will need that strength, and when you let it, sometimes that strength will even find you.'